About Us

Aspen Fly Right is an independent nonprofit organization. We are community funded and staffed by local volunteers. We follow science and fact to educate the public and advocate for the health and wellbeing of the people, environment, culture, and character of Pitkin County and our Valley. Aspen Fly Right is pro-airport but opposes overdevelopment and airfield expansion as harmful and needless. We propose pragmatic, sustainable solutions that benefit everyone. We believe that an honest and healthy dialogue and democratic process will lead to an airport worthy of our community.


The Issue

For more than a decade there has been an effort to allow bigger planes to land at Aspen Airport. Both the County and the FAA want this outcome, but for different reasons, and each claims the other is driving it, though that’s hardly relevant.

What is relevant is that allowing bigger planes at ASE would require changing the current airfield layout and losing the 95-foot wingspan limit currently in place. The push for bigger planes has led to an FAA-encouraged airfield redesign (or Airport Layout Plan) that would overturn the 1995 voter rejection of bigger planes at ASE. It would also rescind the Modification of Standard that, for a quarter of a century, has helped keep Aspen Airport safe and our economy thriving.

The issue is not about restoring the past but protecting our future, because the bigger planes an ASE airfield expansion would accommodate from its first day of operations would also bring increased pollution, noise, and crowding to our home.

Interestingly, neither the majority of the Pitkin County public nor the commercial airlines are asking for bigger planes at ASE. Yet the push for a costly airfield expansion has persisted, and the County has spent tens of thousands of dollars each month on advertising, public relations, and lobbying to promote the supposed necessity of expansion. By Colorado law, such public funding must now cease. However, all five BOCC members, five members of the Airport Advisory Board, and one member of the County’s Financial Advisory Board have signed on as private citizens to support a new influence organization (airportcoalition.com) to continue the campaign promoting expansion. We can only hope for transparency.

Aspen Fly Right was established as an educational nonprofit organization specifically to examine and explain this issue so the people of Pitkin County can make a fact-based decision about our airport and its impact on our quality of life.

Our Approach

We are guided by our purpose: to sustain the health, wellbeing, character, and environment of Pitkin County and the Valley.

To fulfill our purpose, we pursue our mission: to perform the essential science and research needed to educate the public, as well as County staff and officials, about the risks of airport expansion and the practicality of alternative solutions.

As a §501(c)(3) public charity, we do not engage in politics or endorse electoral outcomes.