Stand with us for a better, not bigger, airport worthy of our community.

Together, we can prevent bigger planes from bringing more pollution, noise, and crowding to our home.

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“Any honest and legitimate debate—such as the one we’re engaged in about the expansion of the ASE airfield—has to be grounded in facts rather than opinions.”

— Amory Lovins

We are guided by our purpose: to sustain the health, wellbeing, character, and environment of Pitkin County and the Valley.

To fulfill our purpose, we pursue our mission: to perform the essential science and research needed to educate the public, as well as County staff and officials, about the risks of expansion and the practicality of alternative solutions.

Pete McBride’s iconic image, graciously shared here, shows 243 commercial and private flights in or out of Aspen Airport during 7 AM – 3 PM on 7 July 2019.

About Us

Aspen Fly Right is an independent nonprofit organization. We are community funded and staffed by local volunteers. We follow science and fact to educate the public and advocate for the health and wellbeing of the people, environment, culture, and character of Pitkin County and our Valley. Aspen Fly Right is pro-airport but opposes overdevelopment and airfield expansion as harmful and needless. We propose pragmatic, sustainable solutions that benefit everyone. We believe that an honest and healthy dialogue and democratic process will lead to an airport worthy of our community.

Fact Checks

The expansion of the ASE airfield is a complex and politically charged issue that requires clarity to help public and County leaders discern fact from fiction so the decision-making processes serve the best interest of our home and community.

For the complete review of facts, please visit the Fact Checks page.

Quick Takes

This new section responds to specific and recently published “birdshot” criticisms. Bigger, broader, underlying issues are addressed in the “Fact Checks” section and in Essay #15.

For the complete review of Quick Takes, please visit the Quick Takes page.